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Altgeld Hall

1409 W. Green St., Urbana

Score: -113

82 votes counted.

1.8 Smell

2.6 Crowdedness

1.7 Cleanliness

Altgeld Hall
Good (+2)
Average (+1)
Bad (-2)
On a scale of (1-5), 5 being the best smelling, the least crowded, and the cleanest...
1 2 3 4 5 Smell
1 2 3 4 5 Crowdedness
1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness



Comment (please refrain from excessive vulgarities)
Gerald says...

couldnt close the door bc the toilet was in the way so i had to leave it open and got called a "f**king pervert" by some guy under his breath as he walked past on his way out. ruined my day

Joe Blow says...

These bathrooms are designed to maximize the uncomfortableness in both awkwardness and size. It's great. Except that I almost died once, when a freight train ran right through the crowded stall! You'd have thought they'd have thought twice before running the tracks through the small stalls.

Rick says...

I once refused to poop here during my lecture and instead went across to the Union. I told the girl I was sitting with that it was "under construction."

Mr. LOL says...

-63...damn you mad bro? (and by bro i mean Atgeld)

Captain Kwirk says...

I came here to do some good ol' poo smear'n, but the job was already done. There was poooop evveryyywhereee! FORBES HALL BATHROOM 4 LIFE!

TysonLover says...

I pee here every day on the off chance I get to see Professor Tyson.

Sir PoopsAlot says...

I was taking a shit on the second floor and nolan snuck under the door to ask me about French Fries. Would not recommend

Mr. Poop says...

The second floor mens restroom has quite the view from the urinal! You can see the people on green street and they can see you!!!

Mysterious Pooper says...

Couldn't find the bathroom so I had to use a trash can. Whoever made the layout of this building should be beaten with bamboo canes.

Nate says...

Good luck even finding a bathroom in this labyrinth of a building. If you're fortunate enough to find one before you explode, prepare yourself for an unpleasant experience.

IcedTea says...

Shit is tinier than Nolan's ****! I know how big his **** is because the urinal is right next to the sink.

Nick says...

it is hard to get a backpack in the stall because they are so small