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Worst Locations

Davenport Hall

607 S. Mathews, Urbana

Score: -26

15 votes counted.

1.5 Smell

1.9 Crowdedness

1.5 Cleanliness

Davenport Hall
Good (+2)
Average (+1)
Bad (-2)
On a scale of (1-5), 5 being the best smelling, the least crowded, and the cleanest...
1 2 3 4 5 Smell
1 2 3 4 5 Crowdedness
1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness



Comment (please refrain from excessive vulgarities)
The poopsterbator says...

Love the second floor bathroom. Always empty and love reading the engaging material in the stalls

Mysterious Pooper says...

The second floor bathroom is the worst. I hate having to poop at a 15 degree angle because of the poor leveling of the floor.

The Sneaky Dumper says...

These snake pits are from the stone age. Can you even call these things bathrooms? Simply avoid and wear an adult diaper if your day brings you to the venerable halls of Davenport.

Anon says...

The guys bathroom on the second floor was god-awful. Probably hadn't been cleaned since my parents went here...

Sid's Mom says...

The stalls were too small, stinky, and also the one on the first floor had a window looking straight into another window... awkward