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Business Instructional Facility

515 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign

Score: 33

43 votes counted.

3.7 Smell

3.8 Crowdedness

4.1 Cleanliness

Business Instructional Facility
Good (+2)
Average (+1)
Bad (-2)
On a scale of (1-5), 5 being the best smelling, the least crowded, and the cleanest...
1 2 3 4 5 Smell
1 2 3 4 5 Crowdedness
1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness



Comment (please refrain from excessive vulgarities)
Not actually handicapped says...

First floor by the coffee shop. Take the handicapped stall. It's huge, has its own sink in the stall, and is always stocked with newspapers. Beautiful shitting experience.

Captain Kwirk says...

Business Instructional Facility is good because it knows its place. You keep this up and Forbes Hall might even send over a few jerkers when we're out of room.

Businness major says...

i left a real good duce in the toilet and then spanked off... bif is sooo good.

Business d005he says...

i was jerkin it and some dude kame in and made me stop.