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Lincoln Hall

702 S. Wright St., Urbana

Score: 14

9 votes counted.

4.7 Smell

4.5 Crowdedness

4.3 Cleanliness

Lincoln Hall
Good (+2)
Average (+1)
Bad (-2)
On a scale of (1-5), 5 being the best smelling, the least crowded, and the cleanest...
1 2 3 4 5 Smell
1 2 3 4 5 Crowdedness
1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness



Comment (please refrain from excessive vulgarities)
G R Carlisle says...

I miss the old Standard Madstone urinal on third floor. Thye should have saved it aNDd made it intoi a fountain for the courtyard.

Same Anonymous from Trelease Hall says...


Random Pooper says...

I remember this place was pretty bad, waiting until it opens so i can be the first to poop in every floor and write funny haikus about pooping