
Where to go when you've got to go.

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Busey Hall

1111 W. Nevada St., Urbana

Score: -1

2 votes counted.

2.0 Smell

2.0 Crowdedness

3.0 Cleanliness

Busey Hall
Good (+2)
Average (+1)
Bad (-2)
On a scale of (1-5), 5 being the best smelling, the least crowded, and the cleanest...
1 2 3 4 5 Smell
1 2 3 4 5 Crowdedness
1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness



Comment (please refrain from excessive vulgarities)
Captain Kwirk says...

Busy Hall is more like it. It's hard not to cross the streams when you're sharing the urinal with six other dudes. I felt like a piggy tripping over my brothers and sisters just to take a turn sucking on mom's ****.